watch Warrior online free,Devin sent the following: Jerry "The King" Lawler, "The Million Dollar Man" Ted DiBiase, Scotty 2 Hotty, Hurricane, drain Luke and Robbie McAllister from Highlanders last event will take place Championship Wrestling in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada April 28, 2011. Go for information on UCW.
- Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler completed voice-over comments WWE All Stars last week. Ross wrote on Twitter: "The video game WWE All Stars is a blast best matches, has never finished with my v / o is now ..."
- A new book entitled "The Road Warriors: danger, death and the rush of fighting" for "Road Warrior Animal" Laurinaitis Joe will be published on March 1 with the foreword written by Paul Ellering. Here's the synopsis:
"The delivery of an account within one of the most famous warriors of the catch, this autobiography offers a unique opportunity to learn about Joe" Animal "Laurinaitis life inside and outside ring. Revealing fascinating stories about his involvement in the 1980 and 1990 warriors superstar wrestling team road, he recounts the memorable battles with his partner Mike "Hawk" Hegstrand. He describes how he and Mike got up to become a tag team to reinvent itself with revolutionary accessories sharp and their faces painted with before it was popular and chronic famous rivalry,
moving between different control organizations, and dealing with Mike for a long time the battle with drugs and alcohol. It also invites fans into his personal life and discusses his family and his new Christian faith. The stories of incredible physical performance and sincere friendship, will help fans relive the glory days of testimony the legacy of struggle. "
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